I have to boast about my new baby chicken!!! My mother has chickens at her house and one of her hens laid 7 eggs. 4 of them hatched and there was no action with the other 3 eggs. We were told that the chicks probably died or didn't develop inside the egg. So my mom and I took the eggs and held on to them for a few days. One egg hatched and we put the new chick in with the mother and the baby chicks. So now we have 2 eggs, the following day we heard chirping inside the egg. A few hours later the chick was out of the egg and we TRIED to put it in with the mommy chicken but she started pecking, stepping, and throwing this poor baby chick around. I knew she was going to kill it, so I took the chicken and stayed 3 days with him. I taught him how to eat, drink, and scratch :)
This little guy is the cutest thing! It follows me around, and even takes naps with me. I love him soooo much!! I named him or her (wont know for awhile) chicken. I swear chicken is just like a real pet, he knows my voice and he is such a lover!
The 3rd egg hatched a few days later, however the baby chick couldn't walk and died 4 days later, so we buried him at my ranch.
So there ya all have it!!!
Until next time