It was so beautiful on Saturday I took my sons quad (I think that's how you spell it) and went riding around my property. My son is grounded for 2 weeks because he brought home 1 D on his religion test, and another D on his literature test, so he got to watch me ride his quad!
Things are going great! First, I got 3 offers on my other home so hopefully it goes through and I can dump it. Second, my grandmother is doing so much better, and third, I get to shoot for my site tomorrow at this incredible place! This place is so unbelievably beautiful the backyard looks like a tropical paradise, so I cant wait to see how the pictures and videos turn out!
I am taking my test again in 2 weeks, I swear if I fail again I don't know what I'm going to do! One person I know said it took her 6 times to pass it and other people I know took it once and passed. As always I will keep you all informed one way or another
One more thing I'm pretty excited about....my "friend" is a plastic surgeon so I get to go in the O.R and watch him do a face lift on Friday....IS THAT COOL OR WHAT!
I wish I could take pictures, but obviously I cant :(
Hope you all are having a great night!!