Hello everyone! I went to the doctors on Tuesday for my ultra sound and all that fun stuff. I was really nervous to begin with so by the time they got me hooked to all the wires up my rate was at 123bpm just sitting there. So anyway they tell me to lay on my back, and as I suspected here comes the irregular heart rhythm (which is good) then they turn me on my side and I'm trying not to watch what was on the screen so I don't get anymore anxiety. Then, they turn something on and you can hear your heart beat and also the blood going through your body which is very fast and loud.
My doctor must had had surround sound in that frickin office. Of course that freaks me out too, not to mention my heart is beating of key and my doctor keeps clicking the keyboard on the computer, which makes me believe the more this man is clicking, the more he is finding things wrong (my messed up thinking process)
Now they throw me on the treadmill, and I have to walk with a huge incline for 15 minutes. So I'm on the treadmill hooked up with the TV monitor right in front of me and I can see everything, blood pressure, my heart rhythm, heart rate. Out of 3 levels I did 2 of them only because I started panicking feeling and seeing my heart go over 170. Then I have to quickly jump off and go lay on my side again while the do another ultra sound! So after all that they put a holter monitor on me for 24 hours.
I have another appointment on the 3rd of April and they will tell me what they are going to with me then!
Lets see what else.....I had a hair appointment today....and yes I went darker!!!!
Nothing much going on this weekend, I have the night to myself so Im going to hang out with my friend but tomorrow my friend is going to South America so I have to drop him off at the airport early, so much for sleeping in :)
Hope you all have a great weekend!!!
God Bless