I got a invite to a party at the mansion a month ago. So when I have a big event or a important photo shoot I always call my plastic surgeon to get my botox and collegen shots under my eyes and my lips ( Im not ashamed to admit that I need help with my apperance).
Well I go over to my doctors house and he's shooting me up under my eyes. All of a sudden I need to sneeze. Needless to say he didnt get the needle out in time so the needle hits my eye bone really hard (good thing it didnt breake inside) So now I have this HUGE black eye LOL!!!
I cant go to the party because Im taking my friend who has never been, and has always wanted to go. I cant cover this thing with makeup because its so bad. I will try to post pictures from the party, no promises being that the invite said no camera's.
However, I will post pictures before we head out to the party on Friday.
Hope you all are having a great day
God Bless