Besides the old hefers in the neighborhood staring at me because I was hanging around MY house to pass out candy, we had a pretty good time! I don't know if it was because I had to stand outside to pass out candy (theres no furniture in my house) or because of the rain, but it wasn't as good as a Halloween as last year! Last year I must had had over 100 trick or treaters. My neighbors were coming over because they ran out of candy...it was CRAZY!! There wasn't a lot of people this year. Goes to show you, when I moved out, it all went down hill baby LOL!!
Once I went next door to my girl Dee's house then it was a lot better. She had about 9 people there, we had a few drinks, watched a movie, and I ate until I couldn't eat no more! They make the best food over there and I cant stop eating because it tastes sooooo good! Half way home it really started to rain, so once I got home I got in my P.Js crawled into bed and watched Halloween. I don't know which one, but it was with Jamie Lee Curtis when she was older. I think I watched about 15 minutes then I got really scared. I live on several acres in a older home so I hear all these noises I'm not use to, plus the rain didn't help either LOL!!
Well everyone, I have to go hit the books, got my test on Tuesday!!