Thanksgiving turned out wonderful! I had 32 people show up and everyone helped out so the cooking went smooth. We deep fried one of the turkeys, and I have to honest, I was a little nervous because I heard a lot of horror stories about deep frying.
So when it was time to do it we took the turkey out to the garage and waited for the oil to heat up. When my uncle put the turkey in a ton of peanut oil just pored out of the pot and on to the garage floor. That's what I have heard that starts the fire so I has really nervous. Thank God nothing happened to the garage!
YES.... I did go out for "black Friday" to much fuss over things you can pick up on the internet just as cheap. Needless to say I wont be doing that little escapade again!! I pretty much have all my Christmas shopping done, so last few days I have been putting away Thanksgiving and getting all my Christmas thing up... YAH!!!!!
My sister and her family will be staying with me on the 23rd through the 28th.
I haven't celebrated Christmas with my sister since she converted into Judaism so that will be fun!
Thats all in my life....for right now :)