Monday, December 1, 2008

Thanksgiving pictures

Thanksgiving turned out wonderful! I had 32 people show up and everyone helped out so the cooking went smooth. We deep fried one of the turkeys, and I have to honest, I was a little nervous because I heard a lot of horror stories about deep frying.
So when it was time to do it we took the turkey out to the garage and waited for the oil to heat up. When my uncle put the turkey in a ton of peanut oil just pored out of the pot and on to the garage floor. That's what I have heard that starts the fire so I has really nervous. Thank God nothing happened to the garage!

YES.... I did go out for "black Friday" to much fuss over things you can pick up on the internet just as cheap. Needless to say I wont be doing that little escapade again!! I pretty much have all my Christmas shopping done, so last few days I have been putting away Thanksgiving and getting all my Christmas thing up... YAH!!!!!
My sister and her family will be staying with me on the 23rd through the 28th.
I haven't celebrated Christmas with my sister since she converted into Judaism so that will be fun!

Thats all in my life....for right now :)

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Halloween Pics

Besides the old hefers in the neighborhood staring at me because I was hanging around MY house to pass out candy, we had a pretty good time! I don't know if it was because I had to stand outside to pass out candy (theres no furniture in my house) or because of the rain, but it wasn't as good as a Halloween as last year! Last year I must had had over 100 trick or treaters. My neighbors were coming over because they ran out of was CRAZY!! There wasn't a lot of people this year. Goes to show you, when I moved out, it all went down hill baby LOL!!

Once I went next door to my girl Dee's house then it was a lot better. She had about 9 people there, we had a few drinks, watched a movie, and I ate until I couldn't eat no more! They make the best food over there and I cant stop eating because it tastes sooooo good! Half way home it really started to rain, so once I got home I got in my P.Js crawled into bed and watched Halloween. I don't know which one, but it was with Jamie Lee Curtis when she was older. I think I watched about 15 minutes then I got really scared. I live on several acres in a older home so I hear all these noises I'm not use to, plus the rain didn't help either LOL!!

Well everyone, I have to go hit the books, got my test on Tuesday!!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

What a crazy week!!

Last Friday my sister came up from L.A to celebrate a late Rosh Hashnanah (thank goodness it wasn't Yom Kippur) which I was very honored being that is considered a high holiday. We had a great time catching on all the family drama/gossip. Sunday she left so I ran to my plastic surgeon to get my bi-monthly shots. Mind you on Wednesday I started my retin-a treatment for 3 days so I finished the process on Saturday.

I go to my surgeons on Sunday and he starts to put this numbing topical on my face so the shots don't hurt as bad. 3 seconds after he puts the topical on my face its starts to feel like its on fire!!
I'm trying to stay calm and not make a stink, so finally after 10 minutes he takes the topical off and administers the shots and I go home. When I get home, my son is running a temperature and has a massive headache.I take care of him, finish up what I need to do around the house and go to bed.

I wake up the next morning and my face around my eyes are swollen and scabbed up.... THIS IS MY LUCK PEOPLE! My kiddo still has a headache and fever (going on for almost 24 hours) take care of him all Monday. Tuesday my face is looking a little better, but my son still has a headache and fever (almost 48 hours) so I call my friend that's a primary care physician. I'm telling him my sons symptoms and he says "this isn't normal, there a small possibility that he could have meningitis because hes showing signs of it" that was enough for me to fly him to the ER, (here goes my rant) I went in on Tuesday at 6:00pm the ER looked like it was a fricking Friday night!! Hardly any place to sit and 95% I'm sure didn't have health insurance (most looked homeless) Before you all think what a bitch, let me tell you, I pay almost 600.00 a month to have coverage for my son and I. I don't know about you all but that's a lot of money that I don't have now a days. However, these people are getting medical care for free? Hell, why am I paying then? OK, that's my bitch!! :)

Now back to my baby.....turns out he had a bad sinus infection that was causing the headache, fever and neck stiffness.....poor baby!

As for my face, I'm sure I have another week until I look normal again LOL :)

So there you have it, my crazy week!!

Monday, September 29, 2008

Having fun!

It was so beautiful on Saturday I took my sons quad (I think that's how you spell it) and went riding around my property. My son is grounded for 2 weeks because he brought home 1 D on his religion test, and another D on his literature test, so he got to watch me ride his quad!
Things are going great! First, I got 3 offers on my other home so hopefully it goes through and I can dump it. Second, my grandmother is doing so much better, and third, I get to shoot for my site tomorrow at this incredible place! This place is so unbelievably beautiful the backyard looks like a tropical paradise, so I cant wait to see how the pictures and videos turn out!

I am taking my test again in 2 weeks, I swear if I fail again I don't know what I'm going to do! One person I know said it took her 6 times to pass it and other people I know took it once and passed. As always I will keep you all informed one way or another

One more thing I'm pretty excited "friend" is a plastic surgeon so I get to go in the O.R and watch him do a face lift on Friday....IS THAT COOL OR WHAT!
I wish I could take pictures, but obviously I cant :(

Hope you all are having a great night!!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Oh Well!!!

I checked my mail yesterday and got the state letter to inform me that I didn't pass my test. They broke it down into categories, I scored highest in law, and contacts I did the worst. Oh well I guess I'm really going to have to keep my nose in the books and put my confidence away until I pass.
So there is the update on my test. My grandmother went back to the hospital on Thursday to get a pacemaker put in, her heart rate was at 34 bpm (that's so crazy) and now its 72bpm She has a lot of energy, is talking very clearly, and is starting to be opinionated.....SHES BACK!!!

My baby is coming down with a cold so I get to take care of him and baby him, that's one of the best parts of being a mom!!!

Hope you all have a great weekend

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Just a update

Just a few updates, I had a birthday party for my son last Saturday and had 26 kids show up. It was my sons first co-ed party. I rented that inflatable jousting ring, and a bungee run, for a little while all of the kids were having fun with that in the front yard, then of course they got hot.....and then came the swimming!
All of those kids went running into the pool and it looked like a college pool party on Spring break! The boys were throwing and pushing the girls in the pool, screaming, splashing, and destroying my pool toys!! These are suppose to be well behaved Catholic school children.....NOT!!!

I have to say something about these little girls though, even when I was 18 I was never that developed, it took me a few procedures, and have a kid to get what these girls had naturally. Its insane what 11 and 12 year old girls look like!

Anyway, I took my state test last Thursday on the 11Th. I have to be honest, I don't think I passes at all!! I really studied, but I don't think it was good enough. I will find out in a few days and of course I will let you all know.
A couple of you have asked me to post pictures of the place and I'm sorry I just now got to it. Everything has really bloomed late including my little vineyard, but the graped taste amazing!!

Until next time!!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

I made my appointment for my test

Just a little update on whats been going on for the past couple of weeks!
First I made a appointment to take my state test, that's THE test to get my license.
I will be taking that the first week of September!!!
Second, I had my annual family reunion at my house this last Saturday. I have to say it was pretty emotional! All of the people that attend this reunion are from my bio dads side. My parents have been divorced for about 20 years now. Long story short, my bio dad for the past 6 years has dismissed everyone in his life (even his own mother) so being that I was having this shin dig at my house I told my mom that she should come and she did. Remember my mom hasn't seen any of these people in 20 years, so when my mom showed it was a tearful reunion and a lot of things were talked about and smoothed over.

I have personally been working to get my whole family back together (except my bio dad) for over 6 years now! Needless to say my work is done!!!!!!

My baby starts school tomorrow, I already got his uniforms but now I have to pick up his school supplies and get his haircut. I have been letting him grow it out since May, and its so long! If the Father saw him it would be a definite suspension until he got it cut. So now I'm off to Target to get his stuff :)

Until Next Time

Giusto un piccolo aggiornamento su ciò che è stato continuare per il paio di settimane passato! Dapprima ho fatto un appuntamento per portare il mio test di stato, ciò è IL test prendere la mia licenza. Porterò che la prima settimana di settembre!!! Secondo, ho avuto la mia riunione di famiglia annuale alla mia casa questo sabato scorso. Devo dire che era bell'emotivo! Tutte le persone che assistono a questa riunione sono dai miei babbi di bio parteggia. I miei genitori sono stati divorziati per di 20 anni ora. La storia lunga breve, il mio babbo di bio per il passato 6 anni tutti ha congedati nella sua vita (anche sua propria madre) è così che avevo questo shin scava alla mia casa ho detto la mia mamma che dovrebbe venire e ha fatto. Ricordare la mia mamma non ha visto qualunque di queste persone in 20 anni, così quando la mia mamma ha mostrato era una riunione in lacrime e molte cose erano circa parlate e hanno sistemato.

Ho lavorato personalmente a prendere la mia famiglia intera di nuovo insieme (eccetto il mio babbo di bio) per sopra 6 anni ora! Inutile per dire che il mio lavoro è fatto! !!!!!

Il mio bambino comincia la scuola domani, ho preso già il suo uniforme ma ora devo raccogliere le sue provviste di scuola e prende il suo taglio di capelli. Lo sono stato lasciato cresce esso fuori da maggio, e suo così lungo! Se il Padre l'ha visto sarebbe una sospensione definitiva finché l'ha preso ha tagliato. Dunque ora sono via Mirare a per prendere le sue cose:)

Fino al Prossimo Tempo

Friday, August 1, 2008


I just wanted to let you all know that I passed all 3 of my tests!! Now I need to make a appointment to take my state test... YAH!!!! Im so excited yet really nervous from all the stories I have heard about how the state test is designed to make you fail.

I was outside yesterday playing with my camera, what a difference it makes as far as the lighting just moving around a couple feet. Today I was looking at more homes on the computer to possibly buy, in Texas you can buy a hell of a home for under 400k
Im telling you, after seeing that, Im really thinking about moving in a few years.

Hope you all have a great weekend
Until next time

Ho voluto lasciare appena voi tutti sanno che sono passato tutto 3 dei miei test!! Ora devo fare un appuntamento per portare il mio test di stato... YAH! !!! L'Im ha eccitato così ancora realmente nervoso da tutte le storie che ho sentito di come il test di stato è disegnato per farla fallisce.

Ero fuori giocando ieri con la mia macchina fotografica, che la mia differenza fa per quanto l'illuminazione giusta movendo intorno uni piedi di coppia. Oggi guardavo più case sul computer forse per comprare, in Texas lei può comprare un inferno di una casa per sotto 400k dire di Im lei, dopo vedere ciò, Im pensando realmente di muove tra pochi anni.

Sperare che voi tutti hanno un grande fine settimana

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Proud Mama!!!

I have to boast about my new baby chicken!!! My mother has chickens at her house and one of her hens laid 7 eggs. 4 of them hatched and there was no action with the other 3 eggs. We were told that the chicks probably died or didn't develop inside the egg. So my mom and I took the eggs and held on to them for a few days. One egg hatched and we put the new chick in with the mother and the baby chicks. So now we have 2 eggs, the following day we heard chirping inside the egg. A few hours later the chick was out of the egg and we TRIED to put it in with the mommy chicken but she started pecking, stepping, and throwing this poor baby chick around. I knew she was going to kill it, so I took the chicken and stayed 3 days with him. I taught him how to eat, drink, and scratch :)

This little guy is the cutest thing! It follows me around, and even takes naps with me. I love him soooo much!! I named him or her (wont know for awhile) chicken. I swear chicken is just like a real pet, he knows my voice and he is such a lover!
The 3rd egg hatched a few days later, however the baby chick couldn't walk and died 4 days later, so we buried him at my ranch.

So there ya all have it!!!

Until next time

Friday, April 11, 2008

Google Earth Pictures

Here are a couple images of my new house from Google Earth.
Looks like a frickin compound!!!!

Friday, April 4, 2008


Hey everyone!

Lots of things happening in my life, for one I'm getting ready to move in 30 days!
Its about 25 miles from my soon to be old house. However, I'm so excited about this move, you have no idea!! To get out of this neighborhood filled of nothing but backstabbing evil drama. I can already feel the weight lifted off my shoulders.
30 days cant come soon enough! I learned that most of the women here are terribly insure and incurably unhappy. I think it is so sad to know that there are people like that in the world and nothing will ever make them change. I would hate to live my life like that!!

So let me tell you about my new home!! Its on 20 acres, 2 story, 6 bedrooms 4 baths, 2 kitchens, pool, cottage, vineyard, and a barn!!
I will post a picture of it when I move in, but the photo shoots are endless at this place. I'm thinking about renting it out to some of the photographers I know.
Needless to say this month will be quite busy for me. I will to my best to keep up on my galleries and my blog. If I fall a little behind you know there is a good reason for it :)

Hope you all have a fabulous weekend!!!!

Until next time


Monday, January 28, 2008

Busy Monday

Yesterday was too weird, I was on my way to have dinner at my moms, while I was waiting at a stop light I looked over at the car next to me, the guy looked really familiar. Before the light turned green I heard a car honking, and the guy I was looking at was waving for me to pull over. I knew that I had known him somewhere before so I pulled over. Come to find out it was a guy I use to date when I was in L.A. its been about 10 years! Thats why I didnt really reconize him right away. I guess he moved up from L.A 4 years ago to get away from the mess down there.
Its funny how you forget about people, and then you run into them for no reason.

Although it was great to see him, Im not about hashing up past history, or a relationship with someone I have already been with. He's a ex for a reason LOL!

Today has been a pretty busy day! I had the plumber, heating guy, and roofers here this morning. I also got a ton of computer work done as well. Later on this evening I will hit the books to study for my brokers license. Needless to say its been a very long day. Tomorrow will be equally as long, I have some people coming over to replace the 3 windows in the turret on the second floor, so hopefully I wont have to sit here all day like I did today.

Other than that, not too much to report. Going to L.A next month to shoot, then going to Disneyland baby!!!!

Hope everyone had a great weekend


Friday, January 18, 2008

Your Fired!

You guys are not going to believe this, the housekeepers, the gardener, and the pool guy all upped their prices on me! This all happened today with in 2 hours!! Its almost like they had a meeting and agreed that they were going to sock it to me. So I had to let them all go! Granted things are extremely bad for almost everyone in today's economy, and according to Bernanke (chairman of fed reserve) its going to go through 2008 and slowly come back. If you ask me, we hit recession. I'm getting off track, my point is that a lot of people are taking whatever work they can get, so the last thing you want to do is dramatically up your prices on people!

In all honestly, it was getting really tough for me to find the money to pay all of these people, so I guess its a good thing I got rid of them. I'm going to have to man up and find the time to keep my house clean, and learn how to use a lawnmower. The pool thing I'm not going to attempt to try LOL!! I resigned with my Realtor and dropped the price of the house OUCH!! But like I said, its tough for a lot of people including myself...I'm not going to lie!!!
I don't know why I even bought this house in the first place, I guess I wanted impress people and be someone or something I'm not, but hey, at least I wised up and figured it out. Its hard looking in the mirror and being honest with yourself, and admitting it to people!

On a totally different note, I was cleaning my office, and came across some videos from photo shoots I did a LONG time ago. For some reason they were never edited and put on my site. I have my video guy working on them so I can put them up for my members!!! I have to admit some of them I was a little tubby LOL!!!

Its friday baby!! I hope you all have a great weekend :)
Thanks for letting me vent!


Monday, January 7, 2008

New pinup pictures

I forgot to tell you about this girl that does awesome pinup pictures of me and other models. Her work is outstanding so make sure to check out her site

Starting the new year great!

Hope everyone's new year is starting out great! We had a real bad storm here a few days ago. Winds were 60 to 70 mph with gusts up to 100 mph I thought my window's were going to breake from the wind, it was so scary!
My brother was without power for 3 days, and my sister was without power for 2 days.
The only thing that happen to me was my pilot light went out on my water heater (I dont think it was storm related) so I had no hot water for a couple of hours :)

Other than that nothing too major to report. Hope you like the new picture, I will have the rest on my site by tomorrow. This is a great gallery, and the video is going to be better!!

Talk to you all soon
