I am telling you Christmas is getting so stressful this year for me! Im shopping at Best Buy on Thursday and all of a sudden I cant catch my breath, I get light headed and feel like Im going to pass out. It was so scary I had to get the hell out of the store and sit in my car to get myself together.
I really think its a combination of work, the web site business being slow, the stress of bills, my house not selling....everything!! I think Im going to make a appointment with my doctor tomorrow and see if he will give me some tranquilizers or something. Just feels like my life is out of control and I cant do anything about it.
Good news is I took some Christmas pictures and did nothing this weekend except for relax and watch some of my favorite movies (Devil Wears Prada, Rumor Has it, and Back to The Future 1 and 2)
I think Im going to start making a date night with myself, I know it probably sounds weird but I hardly get to spend anytime doing things that I like.
So if you guys and gals have any suggestions on how to get yourself out of a funk let me know!!
Hope you all had a great weekend