Here are a few pictures from Christmas at my house. The cake turned out great but there is one thing wrong with it. They didn't spell Christmas right! Can you believe it?
I was so blown away with how the cake turned out that I didn't even notice until my brother said something. I was going to take a video of me taking a big bite out of the cake and my battery died on my camera LOL (oh well)
I'm really looking forward to the new year. A lot of great things are going to happen this year as far as career wise. Playboy, magazine covers, and I will be getting my brokers license as well. That test is CRAZY!!!!!!!!
I'm going to be staying home New Years Eve, its what I always do. I'm not into the big parties, and dealing with a bunch of belligerent drunks. One of my neighbors is in "the business" and gave me the movie I am Legend, and The Heartbreak Kid so I will probably relax and watch those.
If your going out for New Years Eve please be safe, and have a great time!!